Start before you are ready!

A few years back, I embarked on this (still ongoing) transformative journey. Along this journey I have listened to many smart coaches and friends. One simple yet profound advice that stuck with me was: "start before you areready." So I am now embracing this mantra and starting writing and exploring about the things that truly interests me. I am passionate about what we can do to live more vibrant lives.

I want to learn more about how we can optimize the 1-2 kg of bacterial soldiers that live in our gut and influences our health through hormones and signalling substances. It is still quite an uncharted territory of our health and well-being. Extensive research is ongoing and I want to share the things I read and learn with you!

"Vivante", derived from the french word for "alive", encapsulates nicely my ambition for my company. It is a blink to my previous 10 years in the french-speaking part of Switzerland. There, amid magical mountains and a culture more open to health practices beyond traditional medicine, I embarked on the journey to live a more “Vivante life” and share learnings with others.

I firmly believe that to lead a "Vivante life, our health must be in a state of reasonable harmony. I am not into living an ascetic lifestyle at all, but I am open to making mindful, small adjustments as I am learning how to optimize inner health.

With Vivante, the journey is not just about discovering what to eat or how to exercise. It's a broad exploration of diverse paths that enhance our well-being and vibrancy. I am ”sort of” embracing the 80/20 (or 70/30🙄) concept and happily enjoy the not-so-healthy stuff like wine and sugar occasionally as well. Whatever brings you joy from time to time.. 😊

In this quest to understand better what to do to live more vibrant lives, one of the things I am eager to better understand is the intricate dance of hormones within our bodies. Especially when approaching menopause..Learning to nourish the "good" estrogen receptors while minimizing the influence of those that pave the way for disease has become a fascinating learning. But seems to be about finding that balance🧘. And what is that good balance? And why are the “new” bioidentical hormones supposedly better than the old ones? I will write about this among other interesting topics in upcoming newsletters.

With Vivante, my aspiration is to help people live more vibrant lives and contribute positively to others. Because often, “goodness begets goodness”. Think about the individuals you've encountered—those who radiate kindness and generosity. Haven't they often seemed to be in balance and contentment? These are the people who inspire me,and I am convinced that our shared journey can be guided by their example.

Here's to nurturing our bodies, minds, and living the Vivante life we deserve!

A bientot!

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