Going to the Sauna instead of to the Shrink?

I recently watched an interesting movie, "The Smoke Sauna Sisterhood," which struck with me, especially since I've always enjoyed the occasional sauna visit. While the entire film is recorded in (or around) a “simple sauna”, it became very clear to me that the sauna offers so much more than just a cozy retreat during the chill of winter.

The film beautifully illustrates how the ritual of traditional “sauna-going” holds many of the elements that I believe are essential for achieving happiness and vibrant lives, or at least feeling better than we would have done if we stayed on the couch all day..

Nowadays, we hear less about the dangers of smoking but rather read about the dangers of sitting too long in our working-chair or the importance of having relationships through friends and family if you want to stay healthy and live longer.

A recent, big study from Scotland highlighted that individuals lacking social connections have a 77% higher risk of premature death over a 12-year period compared to those with vibrant social networks1! This suggests that fostering friendships could be just as crucial to our well-being as diet and exercise (good news if you are not too keen on exercise and diet =O).  But also bear in mind that the company we keep can greatly influence who we become. “You are your friends..” 2!

So what does all this have to do with the sauna? Back to the movie and the sauna ritual; the movie made me realize that this is the type of tradition we should probably cherish more and I have come to appreciate all that it can actually hold. Saunas aren't just venues for relaxation; they can actually be powerhouses of health promotion, advocating for both physical and emotional well-being. Here are a few reasons why visiting the sauna more frequently could be a good alternative to spending money on expensive skin care; exclusive SPA visits or going to a shrink:

🌟It is a SPA Ritual by default:The tradition of sauna bathing, in some places, dates back over a thousand years. Research suggests that beyond the immediate pleasure it offers, sauna bathing may provide health benefits like reducing pain & stress and enhancing cardiovascular health through its positive effects on blood circulation and the immune system. 3

🌟Skin boost: The traditional use of birch twigs to gently whip the skin in the sauna not only boosts circulation but supposedly also impacts the skin positively through the essential oils in the birch.

🌟 Social Media Detox: The sauna offers a genuine sense of being seen and belonging. It's a space where you are valued, acknowledged, and an integral part of a community, contributing to both the warmth of the sauna and the health of your companions.

🌟Therapeutic Space: Sharing a small, undistracted space allows for the sharing of both joys and challenges. It's a place where emotions can get the undivided attention and support of friends, making it easier to navigate through life's ups and downs together.

🌟Cold Exposure: If you're brave enough to dive into a cold bath or take a “snow-swim” during the sauna visit,you're activating the body's cold shock response; catalysing a response in the body that initiates several mechanisms that supports our metabolic, cardiovascular and emotional health.

I have since quite long given up on the idea of one almighty big God, but I am still paying taxes to the church as I do see value in the communal aspects it provides. To me the church seem to be the cold version of the sauna. Or the other way around if you prefer...

In a world where loneliness and unhappiness, despite material wealth and abundance (in this part of the world), is more prevalent than ever I think we might need more“sauna-type” gatherings. There are no miracle cures, but I think that this could serve as a reminder that sometimes, the key to a richer, more vibrant "Vivante-life" lies not in material acquisitions but in genuine connections and shared moments and memories.

So, maybe it's time to reconsider how we seek those vibrant lives. Perhaps, instead of reaching for the next beauty product, exclusive SPA package or random gadget, we could find what we're truly searching for in the warmth of a sauna, surrounded by old or newly found friends.

Here's to choosing experiences that nourish our bodies and souls and bring us closer together, whatever that is for you. Maybe it is going to the cinema with a friend this weekend if the sauna is too far away 📽️!

Cheers to living the sparkling Vivante-lives we want!


1. Foster, H.M.E., Gill, J.M.R., Mair, F.S. etal. Social connection and mortality in UKBiobank: a prospective cohort analysis. BMC Med 21, 384 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12916-023-03055-73.

2. https://www.forbes.com/2010/08/20/work-friendship-negativity-forbes-woman-leadership-success.html?sh=7b5fb7764e5a.[accessed on 2024-02-29).

3. Jari A. Laukkanen; Tanjaniina Laukkanen;SetorK. Kunutsor. Cardiovascularand Other Health Benefits of Sauna Bathing: A Review of the Evidence. https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/article/S0025-6196(18)30275-1/fulltext[accessed on 2024-02-29).

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